6 things you need to know before visiting Italy

settembre 18, 2018 Casa Stabili 0 Comments


L'articolo è inglese che posterò direttamente in lingua originale, però mi piaceva così tanto perchè gesti che noi svolgiamo abitualmente sono stati analizzati in maniera molto analitica.

Il post è di una ragazza agente di viaggio degli Stati Uniti di nome Darcy che si è specializzata sul outgoing verso la nostra bella Italy.

Buona lettura allora ..

It's no secret: Italy is a very popular tourist destination. Whether it’s to swim in the crystal clear waters of Sardina, wander around the Tuscan countryside, go shopping in Milan, explore the villages of the Cinque Terre, or discover the history and architecture of Rome, millions of people travel to Italy. Here are some things you'll want to know before you visit this rich, beautiful country.

Credit Ciao Darcy
1. A trip to the bar doesn't always mean what you think it means.

It's not unusual to go to the bar in the mornings... but not for a mojito! In Italy, bars are magical places you go to for a morning coffee, breakfast, a quick lunch in the afternoon, and an aperitif before dinner—and of course, some after-dinner drinks! The summertime is especially popular for folks to gather and hang out at bars. If you pay a visit to your local bar multiple times throughout the day, you might even make friends with the regulars!

2. Where's the garlic bread?

Believe it or not, athough it's very common to eat garlic bread with Italian food in America, you won't find it in Italy! Look for a delicious focaccia instead... you'll be very glad you did!

3. If you order a latte, you'll get a glass of milk.

That's right—that beloved coffee beverage here in the states doesn't exist in Italy, where a latte is simply a glass of milk. How about a delicious espresso, cappuccino, or macchiato instead?

Credit Ciao Darcy

 4. Italians love their riposino.

The post-lunch riposino is a sacred time of the day, especially in the summer. You'll find that walking around an Italian city between noon and 4pm can be very hot. This is why Italians reserve this time of day for a restful break, every day. Shops close and people retreat indoors for a nap, a snack, and even a get-together with friends. What a wonderful custom to embrace!

5. Pepperoni doesn't mean the same thing in Italy.

If you order a pizza with pepperoni, you might be surprised to find it covered in peppers! Traditional Italian pizzas feature toppings like artichokes, ham, mushrooms, and black olives. Yum!

Credit Ciao Darcy
6. Italians like to eat dinner in the late evening.

In Italy, the day starts later, which means it also ends later. It's very common to find restaurants not opening for dinner until 7pm, and many Italians like to eat even later. Of course, the food in Italy is so delicious and sublime, you'll find it's worth the wait!

Italy is a breathtaking country full of interesting sights, sounds, tastes, and people. It’s no wonder why it remains one of the top tourist destinations in the world! Curious about what a tour through various cities of Italy might look like? Come see for yourself at www.ciaodarcy.com!

Grazie Darcy per avermi permesso di condividere il tuo post molto realistico e divertente!

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