Bomarzo the Park of Monsters

luglio 02, 2018 Alessandra Stabili 0 Comments

The park of Monsters of Bomarzo was devised by the architect Pirro Ligorio (he completed the Cathedral of Saint Peter in Rome after the death of Michelangelo and built Villa d'Este in Tivoli) on commision of Prince Pier Francesco Orsini (1523-1585), called Vicino, only to vent the heart broken at the death of is wife Giulia Farnese (+1560).
The park was born in 1552 as "Villa of Wonders" to be the only one of it's kind in the world.

The Park of Monsters remained in oblivion till 1954 when it was bought by Mr. Giovanni Bettini who with loving care has managed it.

A visit to the park will unfold in a series of stages ranging between mythology and fantasy.

We have individuated 24 works of art even though many more are contained in the park.

We thank Mr. Giovanni Bettini, author of the "guide to the Park of Monsters" by us used, firstly to visit the park and then to write this site.

Let us start the visit to the fabulous and oneric ...

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